

  • Attends and chairs monthly District meetings.
  • Makes sure the list of groups in district is current and up to date.
  • Encourages participation in PI, Corrections, CPC, Treatment, Bridging the Gap, Functions, etc.
  • Is available to assist DCM’s and GSR’s in the District.
  • Must be knowledgeable about AA Service Manual and tries to adhere to suggested procedures therein.
  • Makes sure District Committees are functioning and observing the guidelines for their committee.
  • Encourages Standing Committee Chairs to participate at MACM, and offers a ride to MACM.

Relationship to Assembly:

  • The District Chair attends and participates in all Maine Area Committee Meetings, Pre and Post-Conference Forums and Area Assemblies.
  • District Chair is assigned by Area Chair to an Area Standing Committee.
  • District Chair prepares brief factual written district report with legible copy to Area Secretary.
  • Through District meetings is knowledgeable of AA affairs in District.
  • Brings to Assembly District problems and those activities which may benefit others.
  • Has a good grasp of group conscience of the District.

Relationship to Region:

  • Attends NERASSA and participates in Roundtables, etc. if finances allow.

Relationship to General Service:

  • Makes sure GSR’s understand, and are familiar with, the use of the AA Service Manual (included with the GSR Kit from GSO) and the Maine Area Service Workbook.
  • Encourages GSR’s to attend training sessions, workshops, sharing sessions, etc.
  • Assists GSR’s in updating group registration computer print-outs in the early spring.
  • Provides New Group Information forms to new groups in the District. Acting through the GSR’s encourages groups to reach out into the community through PI and CPC Committees.
  • Encourage Committee Chairs of the District to participate in the corresponding Area Standing Committees.

Recommended service experience:

  • Prior GSR
  • 3 to 4 years of continuous sobriety
  • Have a Service Sponsor


  • 2 Years, expires on Dec. 31 of each odd year